Privacy Policy

We will protect your personal information through our website in accordance with the following policy.

1. The use of personal information
We use your personal information only for the purpose of providing you with our products, services and related information, or for the purpose of improving and enhancing our products and services.

2. Implementation of safety control measures
We maintain reasonable and appropriate security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage.

3. Disclosure and provision of personal information to third parties
We will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties, except in the following cases
When the customer's consent has been obtained in advance
When there is a legitimate reason, such as based on legal obligations

4. Compliance with laws and regulations
We comply with laws and regulations on protection of personal information.

March 1st 2024
Japan New Techno Plant Inc.,

Terms of Use

These terms of use apply to the services (hereinafter referred to as "Services") provided by the website operated by Japan New Techno Plant Inc., (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), and all customers (hereinafter referred to as the “Customers") shall use the Service in accordance with these Terms. By using the Service, the customer is deemed to have agreed to all of the contents of these Terms.
Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using the Service.

1. (Definition)
The term "Service" refers to the creation, storage, and provision of job posting and job seeking information on the Internet, the provision of related information services, and all other related services provided by the Company.

2. (Purpose of use)
The Company shall acquire and appropriately use the personal information of customers within the scope of the following purposes.

1) To provide services and related information to customers.

2) To confirm the status of the customer after the customer has found employment or changed jobs with the company, and to follow up with the customer as necessary.

3) To provide information about you to employers, to confirm the fact that you have applied for a job or joined a company, and to receive notifications.

4) Processing, statistics, and analysis of information to be posted on the website, etc.

5) To conduct marketing activities and research related to our business purposes (e.g., to request cooperation in questionnaires and other surveys in order to provide optimal services).

6) To provide advice and suggestions to recruiters for their hiring plans.

7) Responding to inquiries, consultations and complaints, and resolving disputes.

3. (Provision of information and services)

1) We only provide your personal information to recruiting companies that have an agreement with us that includes matters regarding the appropriate handling of personal information, after considering your suitability and wishes.

2) You must immediately notify us of any changes to your name, address, contact information, or other registered information. If any damage is caused to us and/or the recruiting company as a result of your delay in notifying us, you will be responsible for such damage.

3) When we receive a request from a customer to disclose, correct, add to, or delete personal information, stop using it, erase it, or stop providing it to a third party, we will promptly respond to the request and notify the customer in writing, unless special procedures are required by law. However, if there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights of the customer or a third party, or if the information cannot be disclosed due to a violation of law, we will notify the customer and the reason.

4. (Prohibited matters)

1) The customer shall not engage in the following acts.

(1)Register or provide false information.

(2)Defaming or libeling the Company, Recruiters, or other users of the Service.

(3)Actions that infringe on the privacy rights or any other legal rights of a third party.

(4)Acts of obtaining or providing information for commercial purposes using the Service.

(5)Interfering with the operation of this service.

(6)Actions that are offensive to public order and morals.

(7)Actions that violate laws and regulations

(8)Any other acts that the Company deems inappropriate at its own discretion.

2) The Company may suspend the use of the Service by the Customer without prior notice, if the Company deems that the Customer has committed any of the acts described in each item of the preceding paragraph.

5. (Responsibilities of the Company)

1) The Company does not guarantee the truthfulness, legality, appropriateness, or usefulness of the information provided in the Service. You use such information at your own risk.

2) The Company may temporarily suspend the Service due to natural disasters, force majeure, other reasons, regular or irregular maintenance, virus damage, etc. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the customer as a result of the interruption.

3) The Company may suspend or terminate the Service without prior notice to the Customer. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the customer as a result of such suspension or termination.

4) In the event that the Customer suffers damage due to the fault of the Company, the Company shall compensate for such damage only in the case of direct and ordinary damage.

6. (Customer's responsibilities)

1) If the customer violates any of the provisions of this agreement, including the prohibition of providing false information, and causes damage to the Company, the customer shall be responsible for all damages suffered the Company.

2) Any and all disputes with third parties a result of your use of the Service shall be resolved at your own risk.

In the following cases, the information may be provided to a third party other than the recruiting company.
* When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of a third party, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
7. (Information management)

1) We make every effort to keep your personal information accurate and up-to-date.

2) In managing personal information, we continuously strive to take necessary safety measures against risks such as unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information.

3) The Company provides necessary and appropriate training and supervision to employees involved in the Service to ensure the safe management of personal information.

4) Personal information will be kept for a certain period of time after the service is terminated in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. Personal information will be deleted immediately after the storage period has expired.

8. (Contact information)

For inquiries regarding the management of personal information, notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, deletion, or suspension of provision to third parties, please contact us using the Contact Us form.

9. (Administrator)

The General Manager in charge of personal information protection is the administrator of personal information and make every effort to protect personal information appropriately.

10. (Changes to this Terms of Use)

The Company may modify the contents of this Agreement as necessary. The revised Terms shall be posted on the Company's webpage, and customers who continue to use the Service one month after posting are deemed to have agreed to the revised Terms.